LEIGH could become the new administrative centre for the British Amateur Rugby League Association.

The £1.5m project would be based on the BARLA Centre of Excellence in Etherstone Street and include the upgrading of the present facilities to provide two pitches, one of which would be suitable for the staging of international matches and major domestic finals.

An all-weather training area, new offices for BARLA staff, a state-of-the-art gym and a sports injuries clinic are also part of the proposals.

The plans would mean BARLA leaving their Huddersfield headquarters, their home since the organisation's inception in 1973.

BARLA have targeted National Lottery and Millenium monies to help fund the project. But the scheme could hinge on Wigan Council's plans for adjoining land.

A proposed swimming complex for the 2002 Commonwealth Games looks like being relocated in East Manchester, but there are plans on the drawing board for a multi-millon pound ski and leisure centre.

BARLA chairman Billy Gill has given the plans an enthusiastic reception.

"It would be a wrench to leave Huddersfield, the birthplace of Rugby League, but the move to Leigh could take the Association forward into the 21st century in real style," he said.

"However, we will have to wait for the outcome of Wigan Council's own plans for the area before we can take our project any further."

Meanwhile, Leigh have arranged a pre-season friendly with Swinton at Hilton Park for January 12.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.