A MAJOR six-month advertising and promotional campaign, promoting the town as an area in which companies can locate and do business, has been launched through a partnership between St Helens Chamber of Commerce, training and Enterprise and St Helens Metropolitan Borough Council.

The campaign, devised by St Helens agency Fraser Communications, highlights the successes experienced in the area's diverse commercial and industrial base.

Using testimonials from local businesses, it underlines the advantages of the borough's location with excellent communication links, local workforce, first-class training facilities and grants available.

Peter Hulmes, chief executive of St Helens Chamber commented: "The campaign focuses on opportunities and levels of success in the area. Support has been received from a number of organisations operating in the borough, including St Helens College, which underlines the spirit of partnership within St Helens."

Council leader Dave Watts commented: "Securing new Inward Investment continues to be a very high priority for the council and this advertising campaign is one of a number of strategies being followed aimed at bringing new jobs to the borough."

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