IF you are looking for a spot of top-notch business advice... Joe Ward's your man... and that's official!

For personal business advisor Joe, based at Business Link St Helens took home the top individual prize in the first-ever national Building Better Businesses Awards Scheme.

Joe was nominated by a number of local businesses which he has helped to get off the ground and the judges selected him from 263 nominations for the prize of Best Individual Business Link Adviser in the country.

The scheme was set up by Barclays Bank in conjunction with Business Link and the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). And Joe, who was nominated by Universal Arches, Specialised Glass Cutting Co., Oak Tyre Services, Craig Engineering and Barkers Trident, all from St Helens, and RLR Engineers from Prescot, won £2,500 to spend how he wishes, and a limited edition crystal trophy.

Representatives of the local firms who nominated Joe were delighted with his success. Paul Degiorgio, chairman of Universal Arches said: "Joe has advised us on all aspects of running our business and since he became involved, we have grown from strength to strength. For instance, our turnover has increased from £275,000 to £525,000 and we anticipate further expansion. We now feel that we have a good, prosperous and happy company."

Glyn Groom, of Barclays Bank, who chaired the North West judging panel, added: "Joe displayed an ability to advise on a broad range of issues and all the nominators were impressed by his enthusiasm, energy, understanding and focused commitment beyond the normal demands of the job. In providing advice and access to relevant support, Joe has enabled fundamental changes with long-term impact."

Four other advisers from Business Link St Helens - Kevin Aldridge, Paul Ashcroft, Mary Brotherton and Alvar Jones - were beaten finalists in the Best Business Link Team category.

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