IT was a purr-fect ending to what could have been a real cat-astrophe for little Tammy.

For the seven-week-old kitten was abandoned with her sisters on a 510 GM bus to Rochdale.

The petrified kittens were left in a holdall and were spotted by an alert bus inspector at Bury Interchange.

But before the RSPCA arrived, Mrs Patricia Watton, who works at the interchange canteen, had already fallen for one of the kittens.

Said Mrs Watton, of Walshaw Road, Bury: "At first I asked the RSPCA inspector to give me a ring if a home couldn't be found for the kittens. But I ended up taking Tammy home anyway."

All the kittens have since been found homes and Tammy now has a companion in the form of Gem, Mrs Watton's tomcat. "I found them kissing the other day," she laughed.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.