TWO teams of firefighters were called out to a fierce kitchen blaze at a house in Birley Street, Newton-le-Willows, at about 2.50am on Wednesday, November 20.

It is believed the fire had been under way for some time before the family of three , who had gone to bed at about at 10.30pm, were woken by the sounds of falling kitchen units.

A spokesman for the fire brigade said: "There was no smoke alarm at the property and if there had been the family would probably have been alerted to the fire much earlier and the damage would not have been as severe. The family were very lucky in this instance."

The occupants, a 47-year-old couple and their 16-year-old daughter, suffered smoke inhalation and shock, but refused hospital treatment.

The ground floor kitchen and a first floor bedroom were severely damaged by fire and the rest of the property was severely damaged by smoke.

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