SCHOOL headmaster Don Vickers has had good news - and bad!

First the 'good news':

Hesketh Fletcher Deanery High at Atherton has won a £1.2 million Government bid for a capital building programme.

The cash will enable the popular school to provide more accommodation together with a sports hall.

"We have an increasing number of parents who want a distinctive Church education for their children. This will help us better provide that," said Mr Vickers.

Work will start in January and take around six months for the sports hall.

The governors have also submitted a Lottery bid for a community-style hall and further sporting facilities to be added to the sports hall.

"These facilities are much needed fort the school and the town," added Mr Vickers.

Now the bad news:

Mr Vicker's Scorpio car was stolen from outside St John's Church, Wingates, while he was leading an Evensong service.

A Lay Reader, Mr Vicker's car was found 'torched' in Little Hulton.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.