CASH and bank cards went missing after a conman tricked his way into the homes of a number of pensioners claiming he had been sent by the water board to check the pipes.

The man struck at a sheltered housing estate for the elderly in Trapwood Close, Eccleston, at about 10.20am on Thursday, November 21.

He called at five houses on the estate and told all the elderly occupiers - all aged 80-plus - that they would have to fill a number of pans and containers with water as he had to turn off their water supply

Two of the pensioners have since discovered that property has been stolen.

An 82-year old woman lost a purse containing £25 in cash and Visa cards, whie another woman had £50 cash and bank cards taken.

The man was white and wore a navy-blue jacket. If you have any information on the thefts, you can contact Detective Constable Hill on 0151 777 6050 or ring Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 if you wish to remain anonymous.

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