A NEW service for families having to cope with the break up of a relationship is being launched in Burnley.

It comes in the form of the the Lancashire Family Mediation Service and offers help to divorcing and separating couples who are trying to sort out the future.

Co-ordinator Carol Maher said: "Until now the Lancashire Family Meditation Service has helped separated parents to resolve disputes concerning their children, but has been unable to help them consider the division of property or money.

"All that has changed. From now on the service can offer mediation on everything arising from the breakdown of a relationship - children, property, maintenance, pensions, furniture and so on.

"This will be of enormous benefit to the many couples going through the painful process of separation and an alternative to the often distressing and expensive experience of court proceedings."

The mediation service is available to any couple, whether they are or were married or have lived together.

For more information, ring Carol Maher on 01772 787557.

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