WHOEVER said ignorance is bliss could not have been further from the truth. Ignorance is dangerous when it involves horse riders and fast-moving vehicles.

Road work is the traditional way to get horses fit early on in their training programme. Unless us horsey people have enough money to splash out on a riding arena we have no option but to venture out on the roads.

With our four legged equine friends being so unpredictable, I would stress to drivers that it is essential to slow down and give horses a wide berth. The majority of drivers are considerate yet there are still too many ignorant and impatient drivers who do not understand the flighty nature of the horse.

Large vehicles, such as trucks and buses, and motorbikes cause the majority of problems. I have encountered truck drivers who have refused to slow down until my horse, backing off in fear, has blocked both sides of the road and is on the verge of galloping in the opposite direction.

So, drivers, please be sensible when you meet horses on the roads: Slow down, but keep well back as a car creeping up behind a horse can cause it to spin round to see what is behind it; overtake wide and slow.

And riders, be courteous to drivers. If your hands are full, a nod or a smile will be enough.

AMIEE GILES, address supplied

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