RESIDENTS are stepping up their campaign to stop house-building on fields in Burnley's West End.

People near Lowerhouse Fold, earmarked for new homes, are worried that underground arsenic could be disturbed if Burnley council approves development plans.

The residents' association holds a public meeting on Tuesday (December 3) to tell people of their fears.

Association spokesman Michael Fitzpatrick said the site, between Lowerhouse Lane and Ivy Bank school, also emitted methane gas.

He said residents had consulted an expert on toxic substances. "Evidence has shown that arsenic compounds inhaled into the lungs can cause cancer," he warned.

"These health risks combined with the likelihood of a huge increase in the risks to residents' safety through more traffic have prompted a delegation from the association to lobby ward councillors."

The group is calling for an investigation by the Environment Agency before the council makes a decision. The issue comes up at the planning committee on Thursday (December 5).

Mr Fitzpatrick said: "We believe that any risk to schoolchildren and local residents should be fully assessed and assurances given before the committee makes a decision."

The public meeting is at 7.30pm at Lowerhouse Mills Club.

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