Con men using young decoys THREE Lancaster pensioners were robbed of their savings within a matter of minutes last Friday by confidence tricksters using children as decoys. Bogus callers struck at houses on Windsor Avenue, Ashfield Avenue and Green Lane between 2.20pm and 4pm. The following day children were also used to distract a 68-year-old woman in ASDA while thieves stole her handbag containing £105 out of the trolley.

Police fear children are becoming an important tool among bogus callers and are appealing for people to be on their guard. In the first robbery a con man convinced a 90-year-old woman he had caught a boy and girl climbing over the back of her fence while another thief crept into her house and stole a quantity of cash.

Next, thieves closed in on a 63-year-old woman on the Marsh estate demanding change for a £20 note and stole £26. Two children, aged about nine who appeared well dressed and well educated were accompanied by a man in his thirties. He was tall, with a thin face with a mark on one side and was wearing a brown waterproof jacket.

Finally, the same trick was pulled on a 81-year-old woman by thieves who ended up stealing £50. In this robbery, the boy was described as about 13-years-old with short dark hair, a chubby face and was well-spoken and well-dressed. The girl was about eight-years-old with a thin face.

Police say this is not the first time children have been roped in to help confidence tricksters prey on elderly folk. Several weeks ago there were similar incidents in Caton and Warton.

DS Tracey Launder said: "In total there have been six of these incidents in the last few weeks. If people are coming to the door don't allow them into the house. We are also urging people not to leave their bags in trolleys at the supermarket."

Ring 63333 if you can help the police. Police are hunting an elderly man and his accomplice in connection with a purse snatch in Lancaster town centre on Monday afternoon. One of the thieves distracted a shopper while the other dipped into her handbag and made off with her purse containing £50. DS Tracey Launder, of Lancaster Police, said: "At Christmas people are shopping and carry a lot of money. Do not leave purses on show."

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