THOUSANDS of people have flocked to see the hottest show in Blackpool, to make 1996 a record-breaking season for a famous skating spectacular.

Pleasure Beach director Amanda Thompson conceived, produced and directed the frozen fantasy, Hot Ice '96, which featured a cast of unrivalled international skating talent.

And the idea seems to have been a real hit with showbiz fans everywhere, having brought more than a quarter of a million people to enjoy the experience.

During performances, the audiences were treated to a unique and highly impressive show featuring spectacular laser displays, superior lighting effects, stunning fibre-optic costumes and a fantasy flying sequence.

Planning for the Diamond Jubilee production of Hot Ice for the 1997 season is well under way and promises to be even more spectacular than Hot Ice '96.

Further productions are being seen at Europa Park in Germany and Boudewijn Park, Belgium - and following a hugely successful tour to Thailand earlier this year, negotiations are currently taking place for tours to Malaysia and Egypt.

Producer and director Amanda Thompson is thrilled with the success of Hot Ice and Stageworks Worldwide Productions.

She said: "I'm particularly excited to be producing and directing the Diamond Jubilee production of Hot Ice, and with the planned performances in Belgium and Germany, plus negotiations for Malaysia and Egypt, the future has never looked brighter."

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