A LETTER from America has praised the effectiveness of a crime-busting scheme designed to make Accrington town centre a safer place for shoppers.

Anne Grime sent a letter of thanks from her home in Hamilton, Ohio, after community safety wardens caught the thief who snatched her purse.

Anne, who was visiting her parents in Accrington, was robbed near the town hall.

An office worker spotted the struggle between Anne and the thief and alerted community wardens.

They were on the scene within minutes and caught the thief in the grounds of St James' Church.

Superintendent Malcolm Rawcliffe subsequently received a letter from Anne in the States which said: "Thanks to the involvement of several members of the public, and in turn the community safety wardens, my purse was retrieved intact and the young offender apprehended within minutes.

She goes on to thank community wardens Gwynneth Fitzgerald and Iqbal Khan and added: "I would like to go on record as highly commending the community safety programme itself.

"It is reassuring for myself and my parents to know how effectively the area is policed."

Superintendent Rawcliffe said: "I think it is an excellent scheme. It is an integrated system which works wonders in Accrington."

Shaun Raywood, managing director for Guardhall Security Services Ltd, the managing agent for the project, said: "The scheme is highly successful.

"However, there is nothing clever about it. Basically it is just community policing. But this story is a prime example of its effectiveness. "

Michael Keen was convicted of purse theft at Hyndburn Magistrates on November 8. The case was adjourned for pre-sentence reports until December 4.

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