THE conditions and conduct of the courts in Northgate, Blackburn, are worthy of utmost contempt.

People surely are deserving of being treated with human dignity - people are after all human.

At the Blackburn Courts, the analogy would be with a cattle market - people subjected to the indignity of cattle waiting around with inadequate facilities: like cattle, waiting to be called for auction - or to use a current phrase, selective culling.

Who can attend a Blackburn Court with any deference or sense of respect in front of people sitting in remote aloofness, presuming to sit in judgment on others, yet with unconcerned indifference to the miserable conditions in which their 'clients' are subjected to wait.

And written appeals to the authorities are treated with equally dismissive indifference.

If more of us had the courage and conviction to express our 'contempt of court' then those in the smug security of their lofty indifference might be motivated to give some positive consideration to the bizarre proceedings of the Blackburn Courts.

R PARKER, St Chad's Avenue, Chatburn.

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