PLANS are taking shape for a £300,000 lottery bid to showcase the jewel in Hyndburn's cultural crown.

The ambitious bid is being put together for major improvements to the layout and facilities at Accrington's Haworth Art Gallery, home to the world-famous Tiffany Glass collection.

Central to the internal remodelling is the proposed relocation of the collection to another part of the gallery with more room for interpretation and displays on the history of glass-making.

Another possible development is a conservatory-style building housing a cafe linked to, but complementing, the historic house.

A shop, lift, improved access, toilets, storage and offices are also on Hyndburn Council's shopping list.

Councillors on the leisure services committee this week toured the building to discuss the proposed lottery submission.

Chairman Councillor Ian Ormerod said: "The Tiffany Glass collection puts the Haworth into the premier league of art galleries. "It puts us alongside the Tate in Liverpool and, I suppose, the National Gallery in London.

"If you want to look at Tiffany Glass this side of the Atlantic, it's the only place you can come to," he added.

The council must now back up its proposed bid by coming up with around £40,000 to staff and run an enlarged gallery.

Increased income from more people visiting the gallery would help offset these costs.

Consultation with the general public on the preparation of the bid will continue into the New Year.

This will be followed by consultation with specific user groups, such as Accrington Civic Society and Accrington and Rossendale College.

Discussions have also taken place with English Heritage about the proposals and their views will be taken into account when the council finally decide where the facilities will be located within the gallery.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.