AFTER decades of the advance of women into all walks of life and sections of society, there remains an impregnable men-only bastion in East Lancashire - down at Whalley Conservative Club.

No matter that women can be astronauts, jockeys and take Holy Orders nowadays, nothing changes at the Con, an all-male preserve for nigh on a century.

Not even the notion that the club's cash-flow situation might be eased if ladies - and their money - were let in was enough to sway the members towards this day and age.

Ah well, maybe next time, ladies.

Keep knocking at the door and maybe one day it will be opened.

In the case of the stalwarts at the Con, though, it may only be the entrance down the ginnel at the side, not the front door, at which that eventual first female pioneer is allowed through!

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.