IN A society that is rapidly losing all its moral values, with live-in girl or boy relationships, multiple divorce, children who find it difficult to know who is their mum and dad, the leading Christian church celebrating the lesbian and gay Christian movement, we come across a true but tragic love story of a woman wishing to bear her dead husband's child.

But some prissy-minded moron says she must have her husband's consent.

If the woman had given permission to have his organs removed, no-one would object and when women demand an abortion they get it.

Give this lady your full support, let the churches and the people rally round this lovely lady and pay for any legal fees.

Let everyone's Christmas be enhanced by giving Mrs Diane Blood her chance to perpetuate her husband in what is truly a 'love' child.

LEN RUSHTON, Bowland House, Larkhill, Blackburn.

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