MOST householders in Burnley face a near £1-a-week rise in council tax demands next year, town hall chiefs have warned.

Finance bosses were left counting the cost of the Government freeze on council spending and its decision to again slash cash support to the town.

They reckon the overall result for Burnley will be an eight per cent hike in council tax - with even the 65 per cent of people in the lowest-rated terrace property having to fork out £10-a-week next year.

They calculate the middle Band D properties will be charged an extra £63 - taking the combined Burnley and county demand to £810 for the year.

Labour leader Kath Reade says cuts in Government grant and the amount the town gets back from the business rate pool will leave council taxpayers having to make up the difference with higher charges, just to maintain services at present levels.

"We are predicting this rise, even with a budget freeze - the fifth annual freeze we have had to face in Burnley."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.