LEAVERS from Alder Grange High School, Rawtenstall, achieved the school's best-ever GCSE results.

At prize evening, head teacher Jean McGrath said the number of pupils gaining five or more grade A to C passes at GCSE had increased by seven per cent on last year.

She was also pleased to announce that 14 per cent of the year group gained nine or 10 A to C grades.

Mrs McGrath said: "As well as taking their opportunities from school they gave much in return. During their five years here, they formed a vital part of our ethos of confidence, hard work and success. "Our current pupils, prizewinners and others, have given a great deal of time and money to the Red Cross, Guide Dogs for the Blind and many more - £4,000 raised this year."

"Giving to others is a vital part of developing young persons' care and concern and education would not be complete without it."

Mrs McGrath thanked parents for their support over the years and wished the pupils all the best for the bright futures that lay ahead of them.

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