AN eight-year-old girl was seriously injured when she was knocked down in a back street by a car which was being followed by the police.

The car drove off, leaving the girl on the ground, before colliding with another vehicle close by.

The girl, who has not been named, suffered a broken leg and arm and head. She was taken to Burnley General Hospital where she was in a "satisfactory" condition today.

An 11-year-old boy, who was struck a glancing blow by the Ford Escort, suffered a bruised leg.

The incident happened at 4.30pm yesterday in a cobbled back street off Venice Street, Burnley.

Acting Inspector Jeff Brown said: "The car turned into the back street and was in collision with the two children.

"It briefly stopped and drove away.

"It was involved in another collision with a vehicle in Accrington Road after driving into the road without stopping.

"The car was being followed by the police at the time.

"The driver of the Escort was arrested and a second youth, who ran off, surrendered to the police a short time later.

Two youths, aged 17 and 16, are being questioned by police.

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