I WOULD like to know who is responsible for the positioning of the M40 Highercroft bus stop.

After all the thousands of pounds that have been spent re-vamping the Boulevard, I think it is outrageous and insulting to the people of Highercroft to leave them literally standing on a street corner and without shelter either.

We would be forgiven for thinking that the Boulevard was done up just for the benefit of Stagecoach buses, because it seems that they have got the best spots.

I'm sure that the proprietors of the chemist shop are sick of us blocking the entrance to their shop, and we are sick of being there. It must seem strange to visitors to our hospitals that people who may be ill or disabled, or visiting sick relatives are not even afforded protection from the elements that every other bus stop in town has.

Why have we been singled out for such shabby treatment. This must be one of the most used bus stops in Blackburn. When are we going to get some fair treatment?

M STEVENSON (Mrs), Broughton Close, Blackburn.

Footnote: A spokesman for Blackburn Council said: "Shelters will be erected at the Highercroft bus stop on the Boulevard in December.

"The siting of this bus stop followed advice from Lancashire County Council after consultation directly with the bus companies."

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.