POUNDING the streets of Mill Hill on a cold, wet night in November isn't everyone's cup of tea.

But Special Constable Simon Venguedasalon is beginning to look on the area as home every time he puts on his uniform. Two months into his life as a Special Constable, Simon is getting used to his new-found responsibility. And his community policing of the area is already paying dividends.

Simon, 23, has begun patrols with fellow Special Simon Wilkinson during the last few weeks. And already he has helped arrest a drunk and confiscated a large quantity of cigarettes and alcohol from under-age youngsters found drinking in the street.

With every week that goes by, Simon is receiving more training and gaining more experience.

He has just returned from a weekend course which taught him how to use handcuffs and a side-handled baton.

He is beginning to make his own contacts in the area and there are plans to give him even more experience in other areas during the coming months. The only thing that distinguishes him from a regular officer now is the small Special Constable logo on his shoulders.

It's a dream come true for the former chef who gave up his job to concentrate on, one day, becoming a fully-fledged officer.

Simon, who is working part-time elsewhere to support himself, said: "I am working three shifts a week as a Special and it is certainly a good learning experience.

"I came into it with an open mind but I am really enjoying it. I feel I can cope with most things now, even the paper work. I don't think the public realises it sometimes, but we have the same powers and can take the same action as regular officers."

The majority of Specials only work on Friday and Saturday evenings, but the two Simons work far more often.

Sgt John Rigby said: "As they have taken time out of their jobs they can work proper shifts along with the regular officers.

"If I could have another handful of Specials like them it would be a great help to me, but also it would reassure the public. People like to see police on the streets and I would like more Specials for just that reason."

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