TWINS Leanne and Kerry Holcroft proved they were wheelie great - by passing their driving test within 24 hours of each other.

They both cruised through the examination of their motoring skills and threw away their L-plates at the first attempt.

Now the identical 17-year-old twin sisters, from Stansfeld Street, Blackburn, are hoping to take to the road, although it is unlikely they will be getting identical cars.

The girls, who are both taking a business studies course at Blackburn College, both passed their test with Terry Meats of Elite School Of Motoring. And they achieved the success after both taking 22 lessons.

Proud mum Carol said: "They are quite alike and both like the same things but it is hard to pass your driving test first time and I didn't think they would both do it.

"We are really grateful to Terry."

Fast learner Christopher Brown completed an amazing driving feat of his own - by passing his test the day after his 17th birthday.

Christopher, of Wilson Street, Blackburn, learned to drive on private land owned by his father's business.

And he only needed two lessons from K and T Hoyle School of Motoring before passing his test.

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