POLICE fear nightclubs opening late until 4am will encourage drug abuse and put a strain on police resources.

They opposed an application by Kazy's Bar, Darwen, for permission to hold all-night discos on Saturdays. But Blackburn Council's licensing committee agreed the club could open until 4am.

The decision comes just months after Club Euro, Blackburn, was given permission to stay open until 4am at weekends.

The licensing committee was told there would not be enough officers to control crowds in Wellington Fold if the club got permission to stay open throughout the night.

And the police said they believed the drugs problem in the borough would be made worse if Kazy's bar was given permission to stay open later .

Sergeant Geoff Rowbottom of Blackburn police said: "Superintendent Eddie Walsh has asked me to bring to the attention of the committee the great deal of concern in the borough about drugs.

"There is particular concern about the use of drugs in the borough's clubs and pubs." He added: "We are not naive enough to think that people will not take drugs when drinks stopped being served after 2am.

"The number of police officers in Darwen would not be enough to cope with the levels of people that would be attracted by an all-night club.

"Police officers would have to be drawn in from other areas to cope with the extra demands created if the application was approved."

Andrew Wright, the Chorley-based owner of the club, spoke at the licensing hearing.

He claimed Kazy's would have to stay open until Sunday morning to be able to compete with other clubs in the area.

Mr Wright said: "We are not trying to run a rave disco at the club. This is not an illegal party but a properly organised club.

"We have an agency from Manchester to control security at the club and we have been here for ten years."

He added: "We are not trying to attract out-of-town people. We want local Darwen people to come to the club.

"If we want to compete with other clubs we have to stay open through Saturday night.

"When the bar closes at 2am we would serve hot drinks, meals and soft drinks to keep people going."

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