FED-UP residents have lost their battle against plans to reopen a controversial club.

Sutty's Place in Mill Hill, Blackburn, closed when the owners, Moorgate Leisure, went into voluntary liquidation and the licence expired.

The official receivers will now be able to reopen the club in time for Christmas despite a storm of protest from local residents.

Dozens of letters were sent to the town hall from residents in the area, and a petition was sent from neighbours in Elim Gardens.

Residents have complained about "down market" customers starting fights in the area, causing late night disturbances and repeated vandal attacks along with thefts.

One desperate local even told the council how two women burst into his home in the early hours of the morning and started fighting in the living room. Ward councillors have also backed the residents and called for the club to stay shut.

But the police say the club was well run even though there were more than 30 reported crimes in the surrounding streets last year.

Solicitor Chris Eddlestone represented Preston receivers Buchler Philips and Traynor at the licensing sub-committee hearing.

He said: "Having been round these premises I can see that work needs to be done on them.

"I have every sympathy for people living in the area who have had problems but nobody knows for sure if it has come from Sutty's.

The receivers were granted an entertainments licence on condition sound proofing work is carried out and door and car park staff are also taken on.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.