I FEEL I must air my views on the derisory marks awarded to Sutton and McKinlay by Peter White in his report (LET, November 26) of the Rovers v Forest match.

I was at the match and witnessed a Rovers team prepared to out-work, out-fight and outclass a Premiership team on their own patch.

All Rovers' 11 players gave their all, with no shirkers and no-one being carried.

So why a mark of six for Sutton and McKinlay when half the Forest team were awarded more?

Were Forest's Cooper and Haaland really so superior to McKinlay, who has done so much for Rovers' recent revival?

And was Chris Sutton that poor to earn a lower mark than Forest keeper Crossley who gifted us our second goal and who constantly put his defence under pressure with poor kicking, calling and positioning?

Looking at the marking it seems that only Kevin Gallacher with nine performed in Rovers front six in Mr White's view and the mark of seven for the ref bettered and equalled the rating of nine of the Rovers bravehearts.

I'm sorry, Mr White, but from all the Rovers fans who travelled to the game from the Knuzden Brook pub, it's a C-minus for your mark.

KEVIN FILBIN, Knuzden Brook, Blackburn.

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