ARE we witnessing the beginning of the Fourth Reich (Reich means empire), with Germany as the dominant partner. No troops, no fighter planes or bombers, no blockade, nobody killed.

Takeover by stealth; Brussels MPs, forcing us to obey their laws, some of which are stupid beyond belief; forcing us to obey by imposing heavy fines if we don't do as they say.

We might as well not have a parliament, they have reduced it to the status of local government.

The EU has ruined the fishing industry and bankrupted thousands of small businesses and industries.

The first, second and third Reichs were no good. The Holy Roman Empire (not Roman and not holy) started with Charlemagne on Christmas Day 800AD and finished with a Napoleonic war; the second with Kaiser Bill finished with the First World War and the third finished with Hitler's Second World War. Probably the fourth Reich will end in the Third World War, if ever it is allowed to develop.

Wake up Britain. We can govern ourselves better than Europe can.

F WOLSTENHOLME, St Mark's Road, Blackburn.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.