LICENSEE Harry Barlow has put his pub on the road to success after joining the information superhighway. The Swan Hotel in Whalley is now on the Internet and the result is new customers from around the world. Details of the pub's unique racing club, including horses owned by the pub, is also on display.

Welshman Harry said: "Since going on to the Internet we've had interest from people in Canada, Malaya, America and Australia. We've even had bookings for rooms from people in South Africa and America."

The pub's pages show pictures of rooms, the restaurant and the syndicate's horses. There is also information for the world to read on Whalley and the pub's history.

Harry added: "I was so surprised at the response.

"It's been fantastic and I would recommend it to anyone." The pages can be found at and you can also send an e-mail to the pub at

Meanwhile, racing club members are mourning the loss of one of their horses, Abbott of Whalley, who had to be put down after being injured in a freak accident.

Harry said: "He came running out of his stable and fell and broke his shoulder."

However, the club has two new additions to its stable which will start running in the new year, Ribble Princess and Ribble Assembly.

Another horse, Pride of Whalley, has been put out to stud.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.