PARENTS are being given advice on how to ensure their children are safely cared for when they are left with a babysitter.

The Lancashire Evening Telegraph has joined forces with Blackburn police to produce a leaflet on security tips and safety measures for when adults leave their youngsters in somebody else's care.

The move follows a spate of "home alone" cases and incidents where children have been mistreated.

The leaflet has been produced after police received dozens of calls asking about the rules and regulations for babysitting.

It highlights the fact that parents have a responsibility to ensure their children are safely cared for and adds that babysitters above 16 years old and with previous experience are advisable. Other tips for selecting a babysitter include:

Have they any first aid or child care qualifications?

Are they known to you and your children?

Can anyone recommend them?

The leaflet also gives parents advice on how to help babysitters while they are out.

It includes ensuring they know how to work the burglar alarm, leaving a telephone number in case of emergencies, ringing home while you are out and keeping to an agreed time to come home.

Anyone using a babysitter is also responsible for ensuring they travel to and from the house safely.

The leaflets are available from the Lancashire Evening Telegraph office on High Street, Blackburn town hall reception, Blackburn library, Blackburn police inquiry desk and the crime prevention office, telephone 353540.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.