A HOMELESS project has appointed a researcher to help people without a roof over their heads.

Lynda Davies started work on Monday. Her research could be a lifeline to the 1,000 single people in Wigan Borough who have been homeless.

Lynda is based at Arley House in Bond Street, Leigh.

She said: "The first stage is to find out more about homelessness.

"Then we will try to tackle the problems raised, maybe by means of an information/resource centre in Leigh for homeless young people.

"At each stage we want young people involved with the work and the running of the Project."

Lynda aded: "It goes without saying that the time of the year when the majority of people will be enjoying themselves in the warmth and comfort of their homes is particularly hard for those for whom there is 'no room at the inn'."

If you want more information or to offer help with funding contact Lynda on 01942-603620, chairman Ian Young on 01942-827641, or treasurer Alan Gawith on 01942-676641.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.