A GANG of purse snatchers preying on Christmas shoppers are believed to have targeted more than 30 victims in the last week and netted more than £1,000 in cash.

The thieves are swooping on unsuspecting shoppers after watching to see where they put their money as they leave the tills of supermarkets and stores in Blackburn town centre.

Police and shopping centre officials are using CCTV cameras and the store-to-store radio link in a bid to track down the thieves.

But they have issued an urgent warning to shoppers to be extra careful in the busy run up to Christmas.

Accrington and surrounding towns have also been alerted.

The gang are operating despite the launch of Operation Mistletoe, the anti-crime initiative which has already resulted in a number of arrests for shoplifting and theft.

Sgt Alan Holt, Blackburn Police's crime prevention officer, said: "Around 30 purses have been lost or stolen in the last week and believe this is largely the work of one team. "It appears people are being targeted as they leave till points and the thieves look to see where they are putting their purses.

"Our officers are actively searching for the people responsible but we would urge shoppers to be extra vigilant and careful with their money."

Police advice to shoppers includes:

Never carry your purse or wallet where it can be seen.

Always carry your shoulder bag to the front of your body.

Put your wallet in an inside pocket.

Never carry more money than you need.

Don't carry all your cash and credit cards at once, unless it is absolutely necessary.

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