CONTROVERSIAL plans to build homes along a dark and narrow country lane have been blocked, after claims it could lead to pedestrians being seriously injured or killed.

Councillors rejected advice from a planning officer and turned down an application to build nine bungalows on land off Ing Dene Close, Colne.

An earlier scheme was rejected because of problems with access to the site, behind Carlton Court, but the applicant argued the amended plans solved those problems and had the backing of the highway authority.

But members of the council's Colne area committee said it would be dangerous to add to traffic on Ing Dene Close, which has no pavements and a footpath running along it which is well used as a short cut, particularly by students going to and from Nelson and Colne College's Barrowford Road site. Resident Ray Madison, said: "The junction with Barrowford Road is a matter of great concern to residents. I think it is one of the most dangerous in the area."

Councillor David Clegg added: "I'm not against the principle of developing the site, but it's the access. There is not street lighting along the lane and down the middle is a designated public footpath."

Councillor Tony Greaves said: "Common sense says to me that the houses on Ing Dene Close now should never have been built.

"I don't believe that road is a safe access when there are pedestrians going through the area, mixing with traffic on a road that has walls on either side and no pavement, with just enough room for two cars to squeeze by each other."

The plan has been referred to Pendle Council's policy committee for a final decision because there is a risk that the applicant may appeal against the refusal.

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