A CHEF who suffered multiple injuries when his motorcycle collided with a 25-ton dumper truck yesterday has died in Blackburn Royal Infirmary.

Andre Scheitler, 36, of Alice Street, Darwen, was travelling to work on his 250cc Honda motorcycle when the accident happened close to traffic lights at the M65 construction site at Guide.

His wife Maria arrived at the scene of the accident after beginning a search for her husband when he failed to turn up for work.

He suffered severe injuries to his head and body.

The driver of the Amec McAlpine motorway construction vehicle, Michael Buckley, 30, of Lancaster, is suffering from shock.

Mr Scheitler's wife was contacted by worried staff at The Old Mill Hotel and Restaurant in Ramsbottom when her husband failed to arrive for his morning shift.

Inspector Stuart Coates, of Blackburn Police, said: "Obviously it was very distressing for Mrs Scheitler to find out about her husband in this way. The accident is being fully investigated."

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