MORE marriages between "Angels" and "Cherubs" were celebrated when businessmen and women got together in King George's Hall, Blackburn.

The highly-successful Guardian Angels scheme now covers the whole of East Lancashire, pairing off established companies (Angels) with young businesses (Cherubs).

The idea is that the Guardian Angel company acts as a mentor for the younger company and helps it grow and develop.

Introduced into the Blackburn City Challenge area by the Blackburn Partnership in 1994, the scheme has now been in operation throughout East Lancashire for six months, with the support of ELTEC. At the seminar for participating companies, scheme manager Ian Rigby said that since it started there had been 57 "marriages", over 150 jobs created, and over 160 jobs preserved.

"The success of the scheme can be summed up in two words: it works," he said.

"It works because of the goodwill of the Guardian Angels.... because the Cherubs are willing to be helped and appreciate everything which is being done to support them.

"It also works because it is not weighed down by bureaucracy, because of the foresight and generosity of the people who fund it and because everyone involved in it wants it to work."

Around 100 people attended the seminar, including council leaders and chief executives, Enterprise Trust directors, Economic Development Unit directors and Guardian Angels and Cherubs from all over the area.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.