ARSONISTS set a shed containing 400 turkeys ablaze just days after 120 turkeys were stolen from a nearby allotment.

Farmer Thomas Sanderson, of Meadow Top Farm, Wooley Lane, Baxenden, woke at 5.15am to go to the toilet and saw the fire burning in his timber cabin outside.

He called the fire brigade and together with his wife Jean started to throw buckets of water over the shed.

They managed to put out the blaze, saving the 400 turkeys inside.

Accrington firefighters said it was started deliberately as they found a plastic container believed to have been filled with flammable liquid in the shed. Another Baxenden turkey farmer, Ralph Rushton, was dealt a devastating blow last week when his entire stock of 120 birds worth £4,000 were taken from his allotment near Hollins School.

An eyewitness said a white van with orange markings was spotted in the area just before they went missing.

Police are investigating both incidents. Jean Sanderson said: "We have no idea why anyone would do this to us. At this time of year our turkeys are our livelihood.

"Fortunately none of the turkeys were injured but another ten minutes and the whole lot could have burnt to the ground with the turkeys inside.

"It was just a good job my husband wanted to go to the toilet when he did," she added.

Detective Sergeant Nigel Whalley said there was nothing to link the two incidents at this stage.

He said: "This sort of thing does happen at Christmas and we ask people who have these turkey allotments to remain vigilant."

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