A TERRIFIED woman had her throat slashed twice probably with a broken bottle as she walked home from an office Christmas party in Accrington.

The 31-year-old victim was left bleeding from two jagged wounds on the left side of her throat, one five inches long and the other three inches long.

She also suffered several scratches on her chest and abdomen believed to have been caused by her attacker trying to slash her further.

The woman struggled with the man and lied that she had been diagnosed with AIDS in a bid to stop him attacking her further.

He broke off his attack and she managed to walk home. An ambulance took her to hospital where she needed 15 stitches in her wounds. Detectives described the attack in Stanley Street, Accrington, as vicious and bizarre. Detective Sergeant Nigel Whalley said: "The lady is very shocked and distressed.

"She had been out enjoying a works party and there appears to be no motive whatever for this unprovoked and nasty attack on an innocent victim."

The woman had left Lar-de-Dars nightclub and was crossing a small car park on Stanley Streetat about 1.30am on Saturday. She heard the sound of a bottle being smashed and became aware a man was behind her. He asked her for a light for a cigarette , and she said no. He then slashed her twice across the left side of her throat causing two wounds.

DS Whalley said: "She struggled with her attacker and managed to pull off a black bob cap he was wearing before he ran off."

The man is described as white, heavily built, and in his thirties. He spoke with a local accent and was wearing a black bob cap a dark coloured zip-up sleeveless body warmer, dark trousers and a heavy gold chain around his neck. He had a very short cropped hair style and smelled of drink. .

If anyone recognises him or has any information about the incident contact Accrington CID on 01254 382141.

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