SCHOOL children are being warned to stay away from an isolated footpath after a grandfather was viciously attacked and robbed.

Form tutors at Ivy Bank High School, Burnley, were today advising pupils not to walk alone on the path and not to go near the area after school when it is dark.

It is the same path where there were a series of unsolved indecent assaults about 18 months ago.

Ronnie Boult was walking his dog near in Ivy Bank Woods, off Kiddrow Lane, Burnley, when he was attacked by two men in the teens or early 20s.

Head teacher of Ivy Bank, Stephen Ball said: "I am writing to parents today to warn them of what happened and tell them to keep their children away from the path."

Mr Boult said: "I have grandchildren who attend Ivy Bank and I know the youngsters use that path to get to school. I wouldn't want what happened to me to happen to anyone else - these people must be caught." Former gas worker Mr Boult, 58, has had a heart by-pass and has been unable to work for several years. He received bruising and was shocked by the attack but an X-ray showed no bones were broken.

He said: "I have walked my dog on that path nearly every day for the nine years we have lived at Cardigan Avenue because it is the only place he can be let off a lead.

"He had gone chasing rabbits when I heard some rustling behind me, as I turned I was hit on the forehead and I landed face down in some mud.

"They hit me again on the back of the head and then held my face down in the mud while they searched my jacket and trouser pockets for money. It was very frightening at times.

"They didn't ask me for money, they just hit me."

Mr Boult is appealing for a man on a bicycle who passed him shortly before the attack to come forward and tell police if he saw anyone else on the footpath.

The attack happened at 1.15pm on Thursday and if anyone has any information they should call Burnley police on 01282 425001.

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