A UNIVERSITY report on plans for a massive retail centre in Colne has supported local traders' arguments that it could kill off the town centre.

The report on proposals to build superstores on the site of the former Smith & Nephew Stonebridge Mill in North Valley Road said: "We would recommend caution in considering this proposal which may adversely affect trade in the centre."

The report from Sheffield University's centre for regional economic and social research said the new retail complex could attract 43 per cent of all local spending on electrical goods and 30 per cent of spending on carpets.

Plans for the complex have been put on hold while further talks go ahead with the developer.

The university report criticised a retail impact assessment by a firm of consultants called in by motor dealership giant Sanderson Bramall, which wants to develop the North Valley site.

The assessment by Clive Brook Associates studied how the retail park would affect local shops.

The university criticised the consultants' study, calling it incomplete and unreliable. The university said the consultants had taken an unorthodox approach by limiting the study to certain types of items such as electrical goods, carpets, motor parts and DIY, the kind of stores expected to take space on the retail centre if it gets the planning go ahead.

"It is unlikely the developer would accept conditions limiting the development to these types of trader so the study should be carried out on a broader basis," said the Sheffield report.

It added: "The study suggests that the development will bring retail benefits but this is not explained or substantiated. Indeed there is no data provided on which this assertion can be based."

The Sheffield study concluded: "Until our own data analysis is complete we cannot comment with complete confidence on any individual findings in the Clive Brook assessment.

"However their method is incomplete and therefore unreliable in determining possible impact."

Town centre traders said their businesses would suffer if the retail centre goes ahead.

Mark Clegg, a partner in Whitaker's ironmongers in Colne, told councillors at Colne Town Hall: "This will affect my business. "If you want to put the 19 people I employ out of work, then go ahead with this proposal."

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