ONE of the best known figures of the amateur musical theatre in the region, Mr Robin Bridge, of Preston New Road, Blackburn, has died during a motoring trip to Yorkshire. He was 71.

During a long career, the former Blackburn Cathedral chorister produced many musical shows for Blackburn Light Operatic Society (now Blackburn Amateurs) and Blackburn Arts Club.

He produced pantomime, the Mayor of Blackburn's Command Performances and, in 1972, produced Camelot for Preston Borough Council on a massive stage in that town's Avenham Park.

He began a career in engineering but later switched to running the circulation department of the old Blackburn Times weekly paper where he founded the renowned Castle Run for veteran and vintage cars.

He then served a number of years with the Lancashire Evening Post promotions department.

Mr Bridge leaves a widow - Jose - three children and five grandchildren.

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