TWO road safety schemes designed to save children lives are set to go ahead after winning Government funding.

A transport minister has announced Lancashire County Council will get £120,000 towards projects in the Higher Croft Roman Road estate in Blackburn and Sudellside in Darwen.

The aim is to create 20 mph zones specifically aimed at protecting youngsters in the area.

According to the statistics there have been around 30 accidents on the two estates in the last three years.

Experts claim accidents have been reduced by up to 70 per cent in areas where traffic calming schemes are introduced.

Around £1 million was handed out by the Government and Lancashire got more than a third of the North West's share .

More than 60 local authorities were competing for a slice of the money, and £320,000 will be spent on schemes in the North West.

Richard Toon, vice-chairman of the highways and transportation committee, said: "Lancashire County Council's surveyors department has worked hard to gain this Government money, which will ensure that the people of Blackburn benefit from life-saving schemes.

"These initiatives are proven to save children's lives but they also benefit other pedestrians, cyclists and drivers."

Councillor Toon added: "This is a further example of the county council's ability to gain additional funds when budgets are being squeezed."

Road Safety Minister John Bowis said: "Accidents involving child pedestrians at sites where these zones have been introduced have dropped by 70 per cent."

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