THE recent Westminster debate on the single currency, confirmed that British people have more than enough with one government, without a second foreign-dominated government in Brussels, consisting of unelected, unaccountable commissioners.

Unfortunately, televising of the debate was cut off by BBC2 at the most interesting point, to return to snooker. But those responsible for negotiating EU treaties admitted in 'The Poisoned Chalice,' a documentary recently shown on BBC2, that they were diddled and conned.

Chancellor Kenneth Clarke stated in the Commons debate: "The EU is our best trading area." One could agree, but for the fact we have a massive trade deficit with the EU, when, as oil exporters, we ought not to have a trade deficit at all.

We are awash with EU imports, damaging home producers and affecting the huge trade deficit.

Yet Tory, Labour and Liberals ignore reality in our country and are fanatically in favour of becoming totally integrated in a European superstate.

The Chancellor admitted he has cut spending by £7 billion, to reach 'convergence' to qualify for joining a single currency. This is not a budget for Britain; it is a budget to entrap us permanently into subsidising the whole of Europe and its undemocratic parliament consisting mainly of fat cats with little or no opposition.

E ROKAS (Mrs), British Home Rule candidate, Yarrow Close, Croston, near Preston.

Converted for the new archive on 14 July 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.