A PUB company has promised to look again at the name of a new pub after local councillors raised concerns.

The Devonshire Pub Company was planning to call the new hostelry, which is to be built alongside its offices in Nelson in the New Year, the Drunken Duck after another of its pubs in Chorley.

But when Pendle Council's Nelson area committee met to pass plans for the pub, some councillors thought the name was inappropriate.

Now the company has said it will re-consider the name and come up with a new one if necessary.

Development director Simon Padgett said: "We are re-considering the choice of name.

"I believe it comes from the name of a Lancashire dish.

"We have another pub with the same name in Chorley and the idea was to create a brand image but if it's considered an inappropriate name the board of directors will come up with another name."

Mr Padgett said work on building the new pub is expected to start in January or February in time for completion around Easter.

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