A CARING Burnley grandmother was so moved when she read about a little boy with a disfiguring facial birthmark that she set about raising money for him.

Shane Prescott is just two years old but has already been to America twice for specialist laser treatment. He faces another two trips and plastic surgery.

Joan Watts read an article in Chat magazine about the Burscough youngster and enlisted the help of Carol Armstrong, landlady at the Grey Mare Pub, to help organise events.

Joan, 44, has four children and is a grandmother of four. She said: "I kept the magazine and every time I looked at him I thought he was gorgeous. "I don't think people should have to raise money for their child to have treatment, it should be freely available, but I had to help baby Shane.

"Everyone has got behind the appeal, colleagues at Ashworths in Gannow Lane, friends at the pub and local businesses.

"We held a social night at the Yatefield Club which raised a lot and several people have taken part in sponsored pub crawls."

The birthmark started to grow when Shane was three weeks old and by eight weeks it had spread to his lip, chin, cheek and ear.

His mum Jean heard of the American treatment and set about fund-raising. Backed by her local newspaper, the Ormskirk Advertiser, the fund grew.

Jean said: "Money poured in as soon as the article appeared and now the fund stands at £80,000.

"His birthmark has started to shrink with the treatment but each visit costs £25,000 and he will have to return for plastic surgery once laser treatment is over.

Tomorrow a charity auction and raffle will be held at the Grey Mare from 8pm when people will be able to bid for prizes donated by local businesses.

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