A ROMANIAN judge was today considering whether to allow volunteer aid worker John Boast home for Christmas.

The former Great Harwood businessman, who faces child smuggling charges in Romania, appeared before the judge in a last-ditch effort to return to East Lancashire for the festive period.

A spokesman at the British Embassy in Bucharest said no decision had yet been made.

He added: "We wrote to the ministry of foreign affairs on Mr Boast's behalf to ask whether he could return to the UK for Christmas.

"He is next due in court on January 14. "They passed the request on to the Ministry of Justice who are now handling the request."

Mr Boast was arrested at the start of this year and accused of being involved in smuggling children out of the country.

He spent a number of weeks in prison in the northern town of Oradea, despite protesting his innocence.

His passport contains a "C", indicating that he is still subject to a criminal prosecution and not free to leave the country.

Speaking to the Lancashire Evening Telegraph yesterday, Mr Boast said he desperately wanted to return home to spend time with his family.

He has promised to return to Romania for his court appearance on January 14 if permission is granted.

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