GANGS of youths who are making old people's lives a misery in a Ribble Valley community are to be invited to a meeting to try to solve problems.

For some months, groups of up to 30 or 40 teenage girls and boys have been congregating around the Henthorn Community Centre in Clitheroe.

Residents say they have been making a nuisance of themselves with childish pranks such as knocking on doors and windows and running away and being abusive to householders.

Now the pranks have turned to vandalism and a number of windows have been smashed in houses and in the centre itself.

Local councillor John McGowan, said: "We all know that young people like to gather, but I cannot condone any behaviour which threatens the old people living in the area. "One window at the home of an elderly woman was smashed when someone threw a large plantpot complete with plants through it.

"Someone could have been seriously injured and this kind of behaviour has got to stop."

Councillor McGowan is planning to hold a meeting in the New Year when residents, the police and, if possible, some of the young people from the area, will get together.

He added: "The police have stepped up patrols in the area and have been very helpful, but we need to get to the bottom of the problem to solve it and that might mean getting the residents and the youngsters together to thrash it out."

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