I'M Sure most readers are pleased that the Government has abolished most handguns from their use in sport.

However, they may not be aware that there is one 'sport' which has been exempted from the legislation. Foxhunters are still going to be allowed to carry handguns over 0.22 calibre.

This seems particularly dangerous to us, especially when these so-called sportsmen often find themselves in confrontational situations with those who object to our wildlife being killed for entertainment.

I suppose, however, that we shouldn't be surprised. Hunters are also exempted from interfering with badger setts without a licence, from allowing dogs into fields full of sheep, from having collars on dogs in places, from requiring a leash on their dogs on designated roads, from inflicting gross cruelty under the Wild Mammals (protection) Act and from prosecution for criminal trespass under the Criminal Justice Act.

Is this what is meant by positive discrimination?

KEVIN SAUNDERS, League Against Cruel Sports.

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