DOCTORS in East Lancashire are taking full advantage of the computer age.

An exciting link-up is enabling specialists in Blackburn to view the results of X-rays within minutes of them being taken 12 miles away at Clitheroe Hospital.

The hi-tech digital development means the X-rays can be transmitted onto a computer screen at Blackburn Infirmary by the touch of a button.

The high-speed transmissions are made by a film digitiser which transfers images onto the computer at Clitheroe and transmits them to Blackburn via an ISDN telephone line.

The effectiveness of the fast-track system, which is making life easier for hospital staff, is being evaluated by bosses.

But the early signs of the £90,000 development are positive and radiology staff are confident the system will prove a success.

Currently X-ray results are ferried by car to Blackburn Infirmary from Clitheroe by hospital staff.

John Fletcher, radiology services manager, said: "The speed factor is the real benefit.

"But we will also be able to store the X-rays on a CD rom which will save us a lot of space in storing away the images.

"The future is in electrical imaging and we can now look at images in more than one place at one time. We are also able to magnify the images on the screen. Formerly we had to use a magnifying glass.

"We are evaluating the technology and the quality of the results, but the early signs are good that it is the right way forward."

The Blackburn, Hyndburn and Ribble Valley NHS Trust set up X-ray facilities at Clitheroe Hospital in June.

It meant patients from the Ribble Valley no longer had to travel to Accrington or Blackburn for X-rays.

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