MOTHER of two Lynne Woodford complained of feeling unwell minutes before taking her fatal journey to work, an inquest heard.

Mrs Woodford, 30, a senior buyer at Prestige, Burnley, had taken the previous Friday off to receive her degree diploma.

She didn't want to miss work on the Monday in case her employers thought she was extending the break, her husband Bryan told the Burnley hearing.

She set off with the children from her home at The Moorings, but minutes later crashed her Mitsubishi Lancer into a house wall in Bread Street.

Mr Woodford said he arrived at the scene before firemen were able to cut her from the wreckage. She was taken to Burnley General hospital with serious head injuries but never recovered consciousness. She died on Thursday, December 5.

Mr Woodford said his wife had not previously complained of being unwell and there had been no worries over her health in the past.

The children, who were in the back of the vehicle, escaped with minor injuries.

Coroner David Smith adjourned the inquest to enable inquiries to be completed.

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