A GREAT-GRANNY is set to have a full house of Christmas cheer after scooping a bingo win of £57,000.

But Irene Duggan says when she has shared the cash between her four daughters, and treated her nine grandchildren and great-grandchild, there won't be much left for herself.

Since she started playing at the new Riva Bingo Club, Blackburn, she has won more than £1,000 including £450 last week.

Now to add to her winnings she has collected £50,000 from the national game, a regional prize of £7,441 and a club prize of £99.

She would have won a national £100,000 but had to share with a player in Falkirk who also completed a full house in the same 42 numbers. Irene, 73, from Accrington, has always liked a game of bingo and said her lucky win would not stop her from enjoying her favourite hobby.

She said: "You don't know if you've won until the interval when they announce it.

"I just couldn't believe it at first and it still hasn't sunk in.

"Everybody was clapping and cheering and I just thought, well my money worries are over.

"There's nothing I'm really wanting for myself, I'll just share it out between my family.

"Joining the club was the best thing that ever happened to me."

John Nellist, the club's deputy manager, said: "Since we have opened we have actually won more than £200,000 on the national games. We are delighted for Irene."

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