A HEARTBROKEN family was today pleading with the Home Office not to deport a relative to Pakistan.

Gohar Rehman, 21, was arrested at work and is now being detained indefinitely following what his family describe as a "mix-up" over his visa.

Gohar, of Walter Street, Blackburn, arrived in the country as a visitor in September 1992.

He successfully applied to remain in the UK as a working holiday-maker.

When his time was up, he applied for an extension but was refused. He then unsuccessfully tried to obtain political asylum.

Gohar married Rhajwant Singh, a mum-of-three, on July 17 - just six days before he was told he had to leave the country.

But his family insist he married for love and not just to stay in Britain. His brother, Obaid Rehman, said: "Gohar didn't realise he had to tell the authorities he was married and just carried on his life as normal. It was a mix-up.

"We're hoping they won't send him back. He has a job and family here. Britain is where he belongs."

A Home Office spokeswoman said a marriage was not taken into consideration if it took place after someone had been told to leave the country.

She said: "Mr Gohar was arrested at his place of work and is being detained by Immigration Services at Manchester Airport where he will remain until further consideration is given to his position.

"We will look at all the circumstances and will possibly reach a decision in the next four or five days."

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